Holiday Great Buys

Saturday, November 28, 2009

After Thanksgiving Shopping Safety Tips

Hope you all had a safe and Happy Thanksgiving. I would hope that especially after Thanksgiving during the Black Friday Shopping frenzy, people would enjoy the sales, but use safety measures.

The holidays are a wonderful time to enjoy time off from the busy stresses of work and life. They are a time for some R&R, time to give thanks and for sharing. Unfortunately, they are also times of mayhem, self-induced stress and high-rise in crime.

Here are some after-Thanksgiving Sales Safety Tips I wish to share:
  • If you are an early bird, you can catch the sales. Just know that there are others who are catching them, too. Everyone's not always mindful of others and do not always wait their turn as they should. If you encounter problems, take it up with a sales associate. Some of the stores like Wlmart and Best Buy have incorporated the assistance of the local law enforcement agencies to keep the peace. Utilize their services, if necessary
  • Parking- I know it is not always easy to, but try to park near the store. This lessens the chance of some bystanders seizing the opportunity to run off with your bags. Also, always have your keys in your hand so you can open the door quickly. Secure personal belongings and valuables in the glove compartment or trunk. This deters break-ins.
  • Walking-Use the buddy system. Robbers are less enthused to attempt to attack someone when they are walking with someone or in groups.
  • Money/Credit Cards-Put your money/credit cards away before leaving the store.
  • Shop online-If you are not one who can stand the crowds, then your best bet is to shop online. Shop on secure sites that protect your privacy and financial information.
  • Purchases-Check your purchases throroughly once you take them home or receive them in the mail. If something is out of place, contact the store manager immediately to rectify the situation.
Holiday shopping is fun but can be hectic as well. Remember these points and this will keep you safe and ease your stress level. I hope you enjoy the rest of this holiday season and stay safe.

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Remember these safety tips all year round.

From Sarah Kim,
Sarah's Super Center/AVON Independent Sales Blog Manager


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  2. Good day Rothco,
    Thank you so much for visiting, and for your comments. I love blogging, and shopping. I believe that passion flows over into my writing :)
    Thanks again


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