Good day everyone,
Hope your Week is going well. We're officially a couple of weeks into Fall/Autumn. Soon, the leaves will be falling from the trees & we'll be preparing for Winter. There's something else many of us are preparing for-
The Holidays.
It's that joyous time to spend with family, give thanks and share. It's also a busy time for preparing those holiday meals and shopping. It's also the best time to find great deals.
So, as you can see, there's a lot that'll be going on, in these next few months.
The following article talks about experts' shopping season sales prediction. Here's what they're saying
Holiday shopping: Americans will boost spending 5 percent
More consumers will be feeling jolly this holiday season, pushing up holiday spending by 5 percent to $1,250 each, thanks to a growing economy, according to consulting company PwC.
The biggest spenders this year will include men, high-earning millennials and Amazon Prime members, the study found. On the flip side, several types of consumers said they're likely to cut back this year, including people living in small towns and rural areas.
What about you? Are you planning to spend more or less this holiday? Is the economy really better this year, to allow for "big spending"? Are you expecting "big deals" this year? How will you be getting ready for the holidays? Will you be shopping mostly online or mostly via the traditional "brick and mortar"? Join the conversation! Add your responses below. Would love to hear what you think
Up next-
Hurricane Michael
Meteorologists are tracking this storm very closely. They're calling it a "monstrous storm that's taking aim off the coasts of Florida. The Governor of Fla has officially declared a state of emergency and has ordered mandatory evacuations, where over 130,000 people are expected to do soon. Many have already begun. The highways along the coast are backed up and schools have already closed their doors. Many have boarded up their homes and businesses and headed out.
Hurricane Michael has already claimed the lives of 13 people in Central America.(
So sorry for the victims and their loved ones). So please, take heed to all alerts and orders from your government officials. Safety first,
Info from
Hurricane Michael Intensifies to Category 2; May Be Florida Panhandle's Strongest Landfall in 13 Years Wednesday
Hurricane Michael at a
- Michael is expected to landfall along the Florida Panhandle Gulf Coast Wednesday.
- Storm surge, damaging winds and heavy rain are likely impacts along the northeast Gulf Coast.
- Hurricane warnings and storm surge warnings have been issued along the Gulf coast of Florida.
- Heavy rain and strong winds will spread farther inland across parts of the Southeast after landfall.
Read More Here
The key to weathering a storm is-preparation. You must try to be the safest you can be, and help others to do the same. Below are some tips that can be helpful
Hurricane Preparedness-Be Ready-The National Hurricane Center
Some highlights on how to prepare and take action are available below:
The next website by FEMA ( gives you a step by step guide on what to do during a hurricane timeline- (i.e.what to do when a hurricane is 36 hours out, 18 to 36 hours out, 6 hours out, during and after)
Visit the FEMA Website
Here For More Information
One thing you should always do is-stay informed. Charge your cellphones up so you can keep up with what's going on. Also, if you have two-way radios or a portable radio, use those to keep up with local news and announcements and to communicate with loved ones.
Portable lighting is important, in case of power outages.
Be sure to pack needed supplies (a checklist can be found on
FEMA's website. Many people have already shopped the stores for hurricane preparation items. If you still need to pick up some items, now would be a good time.
In closing this story on Hurricane Michael, I cannot iterate enough on how safety is a priority.
To all those who are in direct path of this storm, please-
be safe!
And now, for more headline shopping news stories:
The NYPD is asking for tips to identify a man sought for questioning in an incident where a shopping cart was used to smash a door and threaten an employee at a supermarket in Arden Heights.
(Here's a fascinating story about giving back)
Dozens of Fresno Unified students got a wardrobe makeover this morning.
The East Fresno Kiwanis picked 75 kids in need for their annual back-to-school shopping event that started at 6:30 a.m.
The River Park Kohl's opened up early just for them, and the kids each got a budget to pick out new clothes.
"About $150 for each kid. We've been doing this for probably 15 years. That's one thing we do with East Fresno Kiwanis," said John Bland of east Fresno Kiwanis.
Looking for a job this holiday season? Live in the Arizona area? This next article may be able to help you out.
These companies are seeking applicants for holiday-season jobs in Arizona
Retailers are expecting a robust holiday-shopping season, with the economy on a solid footing and consumer confidence strong. They're also aware of a tight job market, both nationally and in Arizona.
So it's no wonder many companies already are making pitches to lure more holiday workers. Many have been preparing to boost employment for months. Besides pay, common perks for seasonal workers include discounted merchandise and special shopping days.
"Retailers have been aggressively hiring seasonal workers since July to combat the tight job market," said Andrew Challenger, a vice president at global outplacement firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas."Retail, transport and warehousing jobs will be plentiful."
Check the article out for a full list of who's hiring.
Now, introducing something new on our blog-
Amazon Promo Codes. You're getting a sneak peak as, this feature will get its very own page and posts in the upcoming weeks.
Listed below are codes you can use at Amazon to save. Simply click on the link to activate your savings and catch this deal. So, let's get saving. Shop & Save by Category.
Cell Phones and Accessories
Save 20.0% on select products from QIVV with promo code 20ALCZZ1, through 10/15 while supplies last.
Save 50.0% on select products from JIECAN with promo code 50TJO6JW, through 10/15 while supplies last.
Save 20.0% on select products from Genius with promo code 206TC9AH, through 11/5 while supplies last.
Clothing and Accessories
Save 30.0% on select products from MissShorthair with promo code 30DWAASV, through 10/15 while supplies last.
Save 30.0% on select products from BesTena with promo code 30S6I4DN, through 10/31 while supplies last.
Save 50.0% on select products from Zumine with promo code 501D2UC4, through 10/20 while supplies last.
Save 10.0% on select products from Lexar with promo code 10H2KJGP, through 10/31 while supplies last.
Save 10.0% on select products from HITRENDS with promo code 10WCSNOM, through 10/29 while supplies last.
Save 30.0% on select products from Spacekey with promo code 30HJAN64, through 10/24 while supplies last.
Grocery and Gourmet Food
Save 20.0% on select products from Healthworks with promo code 20SPICES, through 10/14 while supplies last.
Save 40.0% on select products from Lancaster County Snack Factory with promo code 40LCSFSNACKS, through 10/26 while supplies last.
Save 30.0% on select products from Sipp Sparkling Organics with promo code 30HANGRYMOMS, through 12/31 while supplies last.
Well everyone, that's a wrap. Thank you so much for sticking with me for this week's blog post. Until next time, be safe & be happy!
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