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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Take the 30 Day Challenge!

I just completed my first day of my 30 Day Challenge. I'm on a quest to a more healthy lifestyle. So, I've decided to get active with EA Sports Active. You might be asking, why just 30 days? The creators of  the EA Sports Active Game more than likely, came up with the 30-Day Challenge because, it generally takes 30 days to form a habit. But don't worry. Your fitness quest does not end after 30 days. You can continue the quest with customize training, so you can get fit and stay fit.

My Personal Review
I have to admit that when I heard others talk about the EA Sports Active  Game and the 30-Day Challenge, I felt a bit intimidated. But then I decided that if I wanted to get the results I was looking for, then I have to be prepared for a challenge. It was not as bad as I imagined. I loved the personalized attention I received from my virtual trainer. I was very impressed with the versatility in the workout. I am a person who craves new things and new ideas. In other words, I can get bored pretty easily. The workout was set up perfectly to suit me.
It did take some getting used to. I used the Wii Version, which requires the Nunchuck and the Wii Remote. What's also great is that there are workouts that are tailored for use with the
Wii Fit Board. I can say that my muscles are feeling the workout and that's a good thing. I can tell they are being challenged. So this program gets **** stars from me. I gave it four stars, because all things can stand some improvement. One thing I would suggest is to add a warmup session. This was not included.  Next, I would like to add some suggested tips:

  • Before starting this program, make sure you get the green light from your physician
  • Warm up before and after completing your workout
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Don't overexert yourself. Stop your workout if you feel strain or pain.
  • Breathe regularly throughout your workout. Holding your breath can cause your blood pressure to elevate and possible fainting
  • Envision yourself in your new body. Think about what you want to change and set goals.
  • Schedule it. Having trouble keeping up with your workouts?  EA Sports Active gives you a calendar so that you can keep track of the days you are scheduled to workout. Put it in your PDA or jot it on your calendar.
  • Have fun. Don't look at this as a chore. Think of it as doing something for you; something rewarding and something good. Think this way and you will soon reach your goals.
Order your copy today to start you on your journey. Feel free to add a comment below. I would love to hear your views. Have any questions? Post those too.