Good Monday to you,
Yes, it's that time again; time when Americans all across the land, take that time off for fun, good food and remembering the official "last day of summer", before returning to work and school.
But, did you know how we came to celebrate "Labor Day"?
Here's a pictograph of how it all began.
Now, that we know the history of Labor Day, let's give thanks for the fruit of our labor, and have some last "summer fun". I'll be posting some Labor Day Deals and Steals, as well as sharing some great recipe finds, for you.
But first, I have some Shopping News for you! Next, I'll share 4 Big Money Saving Tips for you!
This Week's Shopping News
California Bans Usage of Plastic Grocery Shopping Bags
California's legislature passed a ban on plastic grocery bags over opposition from bag manufacturers.Reuters |
A bill banning plastic bags in California grocery stores, pharmacies, liquor stores and other businesses is headed to Gov. Jerry Brown's desk after the state legislature passed the measure Friday.
If signed by Mr. Brown, the bill would institute the first statewide ban on plastic bags in the U.S. A spokesman for the governor said Friday he hasn't taken a position on the issue.
Cities including San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattle and Portland already have such bans in place, as do most counties in Hawaii. The California ban would prohibit the thin, commonly distributed plastic bags in grocery stores and pharmacies beginning July 1, 2015, and go into effect for convenience and liquor stores on that date a year later. Proponents of the ban say the plastic bags are rarely recycled and commonly littered. The plastic often ends up in the ocean, they say, harming sea life.
Read more here : Source: The Wall Street Journal
Weigh in! Do you think this ban is good idea? Will it really make a difference in cutting down on the litter problems we have in this country? Post your comments belowNext,
Man Steals Credit Card, Goes on Pizza Shopping Spree
ALBANY, GA (WALB) -Police say a man who stole a credit card went on a shopping spree and purchased nothing but pizza.
Read more here: Source: Toledo News Now
How Target Aims To Turn Instragram into Shopping Spree
Target, one of the largest world retailers, has taken on yet another social media venture: Instagram. We all are familiar with social media. We use it for various things, including shopping. Here's an except on Target's new venture:
Source: IBD (Investor's Business Daily)
As Googling an elusive button-down shirt becomes too much work for some shoppers — let alone making the trek to a brick-and-mortar mall — retailers are looking to convert "likes" and "favorites" into actual buys.
Target (NYSE:TGT) on Wednesday adopted Curalate's software Like2Buy for its Target and Target Style Instagram feeds, in the hopes that users will turn a casual scroll into a shopping spree.
Target has 319,000 Instagram followers and Target Style has 375,000, which means nearly 700,000 potential online customers.
Read more here
Weigh in! How do you feel about Social Media Shopping? Have you ever made a purchase from a retailer by "liking their Facebook Page, following them on Twitter or Pinterest, etc"? Would you consider purchasing products on Instagram? Post your comments below
Big News: Labor Day Sales May Be Bigger Than Black Friday, This Year
Action News reports that this year, retailers are dishing out the big deals, a bit earlier. Usually, they start around the Thanksgiving/Black Friday Weekend. It appears, retailers are trying to get a head start in preparing for the Holiday Season. And shoppers are really loving it. Watch here:
19 Action News|Cleveland, OH|News, Weather, Sports
I, personally, think this is a great move, because, Black Fridays just have gotten a bit too crazy, for both shoppers and retailers. I'm hoping this will create less chaos, when Black Friday comes around. What do you think? Will this move help deter some of the Black Friday drama that has become the norm? Weigh in! I'd love to hear from you. Post your comments below!
And, now for our Shopping Tip of the Week!
4 Big Money Saving Ideas
Each day it seems like prices, taxes and inflation are going up, while paycheck earnings, raises and bonuses are going down. It seems like it's harder to even stretch your earnings, paycheck to paycheck.
Here are 4 Big Money Saving Ideas I have found that I hope you can use:
Source: About Money on (Excerpts credited to writers, (C) All Rights Reserved)
- Groceries-According to a 2013 USA Today article, the average American family of four spends between $149- $289 a week on healthy groceries. Assuming that there are four weeks in a month, families are likely spending anywhere from $600 to almost $1200 a month. This includes just grocery shopping, not family pizza nights out or drive-thru meals that may be spontaneously purchased.
- Utilities-According to Pure Energies USA, the average American household spends $163 a month on basic gas and electric utilities, and the number continues to rise.
- Clothes Shopping-Clothing shopping can put a big dent in the wallet, particularly when you are buying for four people. The good news is that these days there are sales consistently all year long. The best time to catch a sale is during a holiday weekend or directly following a holiday weekend.
- Holiday Giving-The holidays are a very special time of year, especially for young children. However, spending during the holiday times has spiraled out of control. Set some boundaries with your families and friends. Yes, if you have young children, you will want to buy them presents. But does your cousin that lives across the country really need a new picture frame? Or does your great aunt really need a new covered baking dish? If you decide with your family and friends in advance of the holiday season how you want to handle the gift exchange, there is a good chance that other adults will just want to stick with giving the children gifts as well.
I've added some statistics and intros on these 4 Big Money Saving Ideas. Visit the Money article-4 Big Money Saving Ideas, to find out how you can save on these shopping categories.
Well, that's your shopping tip for this week. Please feel free to share your shopping tips with us. You can share them in the comments section below.
And, now, onto today's Labor Day Deals
Celebrate Labor Day with Cafe Britt Flavor and Savor! SAVE up to $50
Get $1 off 3 movie tickets
Labor Day 25% Off Coupon - Get 25% Off on Entire Purchase by using coupon code: Laborday at
Save Upto $100 on Labor Day Sale (select Items) at B2C Jewels! Use Coupon B2CLD14
Labor Day Week Sale: Free Shipping on Orders of $25 or more with code Parade - only at
Save an extra $10 Off your flight booking for Labor Day with Coupon Code LABOR10
Save an extra $5 Off your car rental for Labor Day with Coupon Code LABOR5
Save an extra $10 Off your hotel reservation for Labor Day with Coupon Code LABOR10
Labor Day Savings: 20% off sitewide + $2.99 shipping at! Use code LABORDAY
More Labor Day Deals
Labor Day Sale! 40% off select watches. Free shipping on all orders, all the time. Visit While supplies last.
Labor Day Sale: Up to 70% + take an Extra 25% off Sale Shoes with code SALE25 on Valid thru 9/2.
Our Cashback Deals-These following deals earn you cash back; up to 30%. (Note, you must shop via our Martbuddy Store, Sarah's Super Center Online Deals at
Simply click on the links, as usual. You will be taken to our cash back store, and the special deal offer. Shop these deals, and receive your offers, plus cash back
Now, here are our Labor Day Cash Back Deals
Save Labor Day Weekend Sale - 25% off single regular price item at Enter promotional coupon code LD914 at checkout to get the discount.
Coupon expires Sep 1, 2014. Plus-Get 1.52% Cash Back
Save 20% on all orders at Some exclusions apply - visit store site for details. Enter promotional coupon code LABORDAY20 at checkout to get the discount.Coupon expires Sep 3, 2014. Plus, Get 1.60% Cash Back
Save Labor Day Savings Sale: 35% off sitewide plus free shipping! at
Coupon expires on Sep 2, 2014. Plus, Get 3.20% Back
Save $15 on $50 or more online order at Enter promotional coupon code 15SEPT50 at checkout to get the discount.
Coupon expires on Sep 8, 2014. Plus, Get 2.13% Back
Last, but not least, here are those delicious recipes I promised to share with you. I hope you all are enjoying your Labor Day. Have lots of fun, and, be safe.
50 Perfect Dishes for your Labor Day Party - Burgers, Grilled Chicken, Sides and More Check out this website! Everything looks absolutely delicious!
Don't these look delicious? Hope you like these Labor Day Food Ideas
Here's some more ideas from
Labor Day Salads |
Labor Day Desserts |
Labor Day Side Dishes |
Labor Day Appetizers |
Well, that about sums up this Week's Shopping News and Tips. As always, thank you for your continued interest in Sarah's Super Center Coupons and Deals. Be sure to bookmark this page and come back often, as deals are updated frequently. Become a fan on Facebook and Follow us on Twitter .Feel free to post your questions and comments below. We would love to hear from you.